Second SIMS EUROSIM Conference on Modelling and Simulation, SIMS EUROSIM 2024, and 65th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2024

The Second SIMS EUROSIM Conference on Modelling and Simulation, SIMS EUROSIM 2024 will be organized in Oulu, Finland, September 10-12, 2024. The 65th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2024, is embedded with SIMS EUROSIM 2024.


The SIMS EUROSIM conference will be organized every third year by SIMS and the Federation of European Simulation Societies, EUROSIM. The background of this conference series is in the 65-years history of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS. The first SIMS EUROSIM Conference was organized as a virtual conference in 2021. The program of the SIMS EUROSIM 2024 Conference will have a multi-conference structure with several special topics related to methodologies and application areas. The program includes invited talks, parallel, special and poster sessions, exhibition and versatile technical and social tours. The conference is organized by Scandinavian Simulation Society (SIMS), Finnish Simulation Forum (FinSim), Finnish Society of Automation and University of Oulu. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) co-sponsor the SIMS EUROSIM 2024 conference.
The Scandinavian simulation society, SIMS, originates from Scandinaviska Analogmaskinsällskabet (SAMS), which was founded in 1959. The Finnish Society of Automation (FSA), founded in 1953, is a forum for members and all automation users to disseminate technological experience and to advance professional skills. Finnish Simulation Forum (FinSim) is a division of FSA. The Federation of European Simulation Societies, EUROSIM, was set up in 1989. The purpose of EUROSIM is to provide a European forum for regional and national simulation societies to promote the advancement of modelling and simulation in industry, research and development.


co-sponsor the SIMS EUROSIM 2024 via Technical Committees:
  • TC 3.2. Computational Intelligence in Control
  • TC 6.1. Chemical Process Control
  • TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
  • TC 6.3. Power and Energy Systems
  • TC 6.4. Fault Detection,Supervision&Safety of Techn.Processes-SAFEPROCESS

Conference Themes:

  • Modeling and simulation for design, planning, optimization, control, and monitoring 
  • Tools for modeling and simulation, numerical methods for simulation, novel techniques
  • Visualization of modeling and simulation results
  • Practical case studies of industrial automation

Application areas include 

  • Renewable energy systems: bioenergy and biofuels, geothermal, hydro, solar, thermal, wave, tidal, and wind energy
  • Hydrogen technologies: production, storage and transportation, hydrogen value chain
  • Energy systems: electric power, energy storage, fuel cells, heat pumps, industrial plants, energy use in buildings, power plants 
  • Transportation: automotive, hybrid and electrical vehicles, marine, infrastructure
  • Industrial processes including carbon capture and storage, chemical processing, hydrogen production, oil and gas, and water treatment
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Biosystems and medical systems

Submissions: Abstracts, Full Length Papers, Posters, Proceedings, Special Issues

For more information and instructions, see pages:

Author instructions

The Conference Contributions have three alternatives:
  • Full Scientific and Industrial Contributions are published as full papers whose lengths from six to eight pages for the scientific papers and from four to eight pages for the industrial papers.
  • Discussion and Student Contributions are published as short papers whose lengths should be from two to four pages.
  • Industrial Contributions can be published as Extended Abstracts whose lengths should be from one to two pages..

The first step for all these is to submit a 250-word Abstract in the information page at the EasyChair. Note: The deadline depends on the type of Contribution and the Abstracts should be updated in the final submission for the Conference Program.
All full and short papers should use the IFAC conference templates:

These packages with more information are available at .
The peer-reviewed conference articles will be published Open Access in Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings Series which has JUFO Level 1 in Publication Forum rating: in Finland.
IFAC has decided to co-sponsor the conference (without publication in IFAC-PoL). The IFAC conference templates are used for all papers. The instructions have been updated. The deadline of the full draft papers is open until June 10, 2024.
Selected papers will get possibility to publish revised articles in Special Issues (to be informed soon) and IFAC Journals.
The Extended Abstracts should be structured into the following sections:
  • Title which clearly indicates the research topics.
  • Authors, names institute, country and email address . The first/presenting author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have agreed to be co-authors.
  • Key words (3-5). Background, Aims, Materials and methods, (Results, Conclusions).
  • Maximum length of the abstract is 5000 characters, about 700 words or approximately one A4 page. Figures and tables are allowed and with them the maximum length is two pages.


Oulu City

The SIMS EUROSIM 2024 will be organized in , which is home to over 200 000 people, making it the largest urban centre in northern Scandinavia and one of the fastest growing regions in Finland. The youthful city is located on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia 220 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle and Lapland. A combination of a charming small city, an urban Centre and a dynamic International Science Centre offers in several different levels. The University of Oulu is one of the biggest and the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.
The conference will be held in the heart of the Oulu City at Original Sokos Hotel Arina’s conference facilities, the 4th floor of the Valkea shopping centre.

Getting to Oulu

There are good flight connections to Oulu from all over the world via Helsinki. Numerous only one hour flights per day between Oulu and Helsinki are operated by . Lufthansa continues direct flights . Oulu has frequent Pendolino and InterCity train connections with Helsinki and Tampere operated by

Discover Oulu



The program of the conference has a multi-conference structure with several special topics related to methodologies and application areas. The programme includes invited talks, parallel, special, poster and pitch sessions, tutorials, exhibition and versatile technical tours.
Tuesday, September 10
- Tutorials
- Get together
Wednesday, September 11
- Opening and Keynote
- Parallel Sessions
- SIMS Annual Meeting
- Conference Dinner
Thursday, September 12
- Keynote
- Parallel Sessions
- Best Paper Awards & Closing
Friday, September 13
- Tour Program



Thematic Session proposals (CLOSED)
  • March 3 - Proposals with session abstracts
  • March 10 - Notification of acceptance 
  • March 17 - Submission of paper abstracts

Full Paper Contributions: 6-8 pages scientific papers and 4-8- pages industrial technical papers
  • (March 12) April 22  - Submission of short abstracts Closed
  • April 8 - April 27 - Abstract notification of acceptance  Done
  • (May 22) June 10 - Submission of full draft paper for review Done
  • (June 28) August 5  - Full paper notification of acceptance and comments from the scientific committee Extended 
  • (August 18) September 2 - Camera-ready manuscript Extended

Discussion and Student Contributions
  • (May 19) July 15 - Submission of short abstract Extended
  • (May 27) July 25 - Abstract notification of acceptance Extended
  • (June 16) August 5 - Submission of draft short paper for review Extended
  • (June 30) August 9 - Short paper notification of acceptance  Extended
  • August 12 - Submission of short abstract for a poster
  • August 19 - Notification of acceptance of posters
  • (August 25) September 2 - Camera-ready short paper Extended
  • (August 26) September 2 - Poster Extended

Industrial Extended Abstract Contributions
  • August 4 - Submission of draft extended abstracts
  • August 11 - Notification of acceptance
  • (August 25) September 2 - Final Extended Abstracts Extended

Author registration
  • August 12 - Early registration Extended


Regular Fees
  • Early 610 € (until August 12)
  • Normal 770 € (until August 22)
  • Late 850 €
  • Student 187 €
  • Dinner
  • The full registrations allow one full contribution (max 8 pages). Additional contributions require additional fees. Extra papers: 2nd 100 €, 3rd 200 €, more 300 €. Each extra page 50 €.
  • The student registration fee allows one short paper (max 4 pages). Each extra page 50 €.
  • All registration fees include admission to all the conference sessions and documents, receptions, daily lunches and break time refreshments.
  • The SIMS or EUROSIM members get discount of 10%, The membership needs to be proven by a certificate.
  • New members, who join for one year by paying a special fee, will get this discount.
  • All IFAC Affiliates get discount of 10 €
  • The student fees are only for Master and Bachelor Students. PhD students do not belong in this group.
  • All prices are including VAT, and do not include the price of the hotel.
  • The proceedings and other publications of the conference are covered by the registration fees.
  • The costs of the Special Issues depend on the publishers and are not covered.


Questions about the submissions should be emailed to
Jari Ruuska, SIMS EUROSIM 2024 Chair
Esko Juuso, IPC Chair
SIMS EUROSIM 2024 Secretariat
Finnish Society of Automation / Finnish Automation Support Ltd
IFAC NMO Finland
Tel. +358 50 400 6624
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