
Modelica - A Language for Physical System Modeling, Visualization and

Hilding Elmqvist, Sven Erik Mattsson and Martin Otter

A Design, Simulation and Visualization Environment for Object-Oriented Mechanical and Multi-Domain Models in Modelica (PS)

Vadim Engelson, H&kan Larsson and Peter Fritzson

Data Mapping from Product Models to Object Oriented Simulation Models

Per Sahlin

Component Frameworks for Modeling and Simulation

Pasi Laakso, Teemu Miitiisniemi, Tommi Karhela and Matti Paljakka

User Interface Design Considerations EESCoolTools - A Collection of Simulation Models for Reftigeration Applications

Simon Engedal Andersen, Ame Jakobsen and Bjame Dindier Rasmussen

C++ Toolbox for Object-Oriented Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of Physical Systems

Falko J. Wagner and Mikael Z. Poulsen

Modeling, Code Generation, and Simulation of a Seesaw / Pendulum Process Using Mathematica and MathCode C++

Mats Jirstrand

A Mathematica-based PDE-Solver Generator

K. Sheshadri and Peter Fritzson

Control Design with FEMLAB Submodels

Karin Danielsson

Simulation and Optimization of Systems with Multiple Energy Carriers

Bjorn Harald Bakken, Ame Haugstad, Knut S. Hornnes, Bjorn Gustavsen and Sivert Vist.

A Simulation Tool for Multi Component Chromatography

Bemt Nilsson, Per Borgquist and Patrik Persson

Simulation and visualization of an Autonomous Helicopter and Service Robots in the WITAS Project

Johan Parmar and Peter Fritzson

Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid, Multi-domain Systems Using Switched Bond Graphs

Krister Edström and Torkel Glad

Simulation of Rolling Element Bearings

Lars-Erik Stacke and Dag Fritzson

Computerized Simulation of Meshing and Contact of the Worm Gear Drives

Alexandru Pozdirca, Desiderius Maros and Peter Bunus

Computational Modeling of Squirell-Cage - Induction Motor Starting Process

Saleh Al-Jufout

Calculating Energy Consumption and Thermal Dynamics of Buildings - Comparison of Some Calculating Models and the Effect of Input Data and Modelling Assumptions on Results

Timo Kalema and Jarmo Keski-Opas

Simulation of Chemical and Hydrometallurgical Processes

Zoltan Cziprian, Rodrigo Grau and Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela

Modelling and Simulation of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems with UML

Razvan Jigorea, Sorin Manolache, Petru Eles and Zebo Peng

End User Specification for Simulation of Teams of Soccer Playing Robots

Paul Scerri and Johan Ydren

Verifying Quality of Service of ARCnet Based ATOMOS Communication System for Integrated Ship Control

Niels Norgaard Nielsen, Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Henrik Schioler and Ole Bruhn Madsen

Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Radio Resource Management in Personal Communication Networks

Michael Liljenstam

Multiple Model Intelligent Simulation with Linguistic Equations and Fuzzy Logic

Esko K. Juuso
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